자바 백준 21591번 브론즈4 https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/21591 21591번: Laptop Sticker The single line of input contains four integers $w_c$, $h_c$, $w_s$ and $h_s$ ($1 \le w_c, h_c, w_s, h_s \le 1,000$), where $w_c$ is the width of your new laptop computer, $h_c$ is the height of your new laptop computer, $w_s$ is the width of the laptop s www.acmicpc.net 문제 보기 분류: 수학, 구현, 사칙연산 문제 풀기 랩탑 면적의 안쪽에 스티커를 붙일..